Friday, February 27, 2015

Last Chance for Legacy Status for Jeff Galloway Half Marathon or 5K

2014 Virtual 
13.1 Half Marathon and 5K (Inaugural) 
Last chance to become a "Legacy" participant!  
Closes March 1, 2015.


Training Tips:


When a runner takes walk breaks early and often enough for the individual the muscles are strong to the end.  See RUN WALK RUN for recommendations by pace per mile.


The "exhaustion wall" can be avoided by running longer long runs up to or beyond race distance-using the appropriate run-walk-run strategy.


Marathoners tend to improve time by an average of more than 15 minutes when they increase their longest run from 20 miles to 26 miles.


To recover fast, run the long runs at least 2 min/mi slower than you could currently run in a marathon


The right run-walk-run strategy from the beginning of each run, gives any runner control over fatigue, injury-elimination, and recovery.


In numerous surveys, runners improved over 13 minutes when they shifted from running continuously to use of the right run-walk-run strategy.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Big News! - Training and Motivation Tips by Olympian Jeff Galloway

Oh my gosh you guys! Remember the other day when I posted about getting to meet Jeff Galloway and how much he has influenced me the past year? Well I just found out that I have been selected to participate in his official blogger progam!
Be sure to check in for training and motivational tips from Jeff himself!

Official Tips from Jeff Galloway:
When paced correctly, running delivers the best attitude boost you can get. Sustain this by pacing yourself gently during the first mile or three.

A well-paced run enhances vitality for the rest of the day.  Start each run at least 30 seconds a mile slower than you will run at the end.

If you have a Run Walk Run strategy that is right for you on that day, it's possible to feel good after every run-even the marathon.

Running is the best stress reliever I've found. Research shows that running tends to activate the conscious brain which over-rides the emotional subconscious brain and manages the negative and anxiety hormones during and after the run.

Research shows that as runners get faster, their stride length shortens.  A quicker cadence is the mechanical key to faster running.

The finishing of a run that is longer than you've run in the last 3 weeks can bestow a sense of achievement that is unique and empowering-due to positive brain circuits that are turned on.

You can't run a long run too slowly or take too many walk breaks.  You'll get the same endurance based upon the distance covered.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rebel Runner

I did it! 
I am a Rebel and I went against what basically everyone said and I participated in and completed the runDisney Rebel Challenge.
For those of you who don't know, I was basically on bed rest due to a torn peroneal tendon from October 14th until January 5th. I was given the okay to go back to work on January 14th (the day I flew to California) but had the race vacation already booked and HR let me go on as planned. 

The title of this post is misleading. I didn't run the challenge. I walked the 5K, the 10K, and the 1/2 marathon. There were tears and a LOT of cursing. I ended up back in a wheelchair for days but was able to return to work as scheduled. 

When I hit the wall during the half and felt like I just couldn't keep going, I thought about my mom. She had diabetic neuropathy and was in agony every time she took a step. She used to say her feet burned and had pins and needles and hurt but were numb at the same time and I didn't understand. Well, now I do. I realized that even when she was at the very end of her life she was in pain and yet she didn't give up and fought so hard to the very end. I knew that if she could have taken one more step she would have and almost felt that I owed those steps to her. 
I was never athletic growing up. I tried, but I don't really like to sweat and I have asthma and fibromyalgia and really really like laying down. My mom was an athlete. She played tennis against Billie Jean King. I always felt like I disappointed her a bit even when I was named captain of the cheer squad.

I don't think she'd be disappointed this time. 

What keeps you going when you just don't think you could take another step?