2014 Virtual 13.1 Half Marathon and 5K (Inaugural)
Last chance to become a "Legacy" participant!
Closes March 1, 2015.
Training Tips:
When a runner takes walk breaks early and often enough for the individual the muscles are strong to the end. See RUN WALK RUN atwww.jeffgalloway.com for recommendations by pace per mile.
The "exhaustion wall" can be avoided by running longer long runs up to or beyond race distance-using the appropriate run-walk-run strategy.
Marathoners tend to improve time by an average of more than 15 minutes when they increase their longest run from 20 miles to 26 miles.
To recover fast, run the long runs at least 2 min/mi slower than you could currently run in a marathon
The right run-walk-run strategy from the beginning of each run, gives any runner control over fatigue, injury-elimination, and recovery.
In numerous surveys, runners improved over 13 minutes when they shifted from running continuously to use of the right run-walk-run strategy.