Friday, April 16, 2010

Follow Friday!

I've jumped on the bandwagon and linked up with a few different Follow Friday links.
Take a look, maybe you'll find something interesting to read, I sure did!

The Trendy Treehouse

Friday Follow
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Hope you get some new peeps. The only problem with the majority of Follow Friday folks is that they often never return. They just swing by to reciprocate the follow. I mean, I'm a follow-whore too, just saying.

  2. Yea, I know that from other blog experiences. This time around I only added/followed blogs that I actually care about and that I think might care about this one. We'll see what happens. :-)

  3. I'm sorry the first post you read of mine was such a downer. I'm usually quite funny.

  4. Happy Friday Follow! I'm your most recent follower! :-)

    Check out my blog at:

  5. @Semi-Slacker Mom I read other entries too. :-) I just wanted to comment on that one to let you know that even strangers care. I wish your family the best. Welcome to my part of the blogosphere.

    @Frugal Science Gal - Welcome!

  6. Hi!!!!! I'm here from FF! I'm excited to check your blog out!
    If you get a chance, head over to mine. we are helping a baby girl in China (who happens to be an orphan) to get a life saving heart surgery so that she can hopefully find a family!!!!
    Blessings on you!

  7. Thanks for the follow! Am following you back. So nice to "meet" you!

  8. Hi there. I found your blog through Friday Follow. If you would be interested in following my blog, I would gladly return the favor.

  9. Shannon, Tanya, VKT - Welcome! Thanks for stopping by and for leaving comments. I think I'm following all of you. I look forward to reading!

  10. Hi Barb! Welcome. I can't wait to check out your blog. :-)

  11. Does this Friday Follow thing work? Did you get more followers?

  12. Well, last Thursday I had 9 public followers.
    Today I have 31. I think the Friday Follow definitely helped.
    I don't know how many of the followers will be awesome commenters like you and Ally and Sara but I can hope!


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