Friday, August 6, 2010

Think-About Thursday 08-05-10

I've been thinking all day about what I should write about. I've been thinking about a lot the past few days and I have a lot running through my mind. I don't want to be a total downer but I don't want to pretend to be all rainbows and bunnies... I don't want to be fake with you, my readers, my online (and some real life) friends.

Every day we blog we let total strangers into our world. Every day we check our favorite blogs and we peer into other people's lives. We get to live in their world for a little bit.

People who don't blog, don't always understand. Some people who are not big into the social aspect of the internet think it's all creepy and weird and pathetic. They stick the people they know in the real world, they talk to their "friends" some of whom they haven't spoken to since highschool even after adding them to their friends list and ignore the rest of the world wide web.

Not me. I embrace all aspects of online social networking. Without it, I don't know how I would have survived the past 10 years of my life. I'm not saying I would have died or anything dramatic, I just... can't fathom a world without my online friends.

I have a friend named Chris that I have known longer than almost any of my "real" friends. We have never met, but I know that I could call them, email them, talk to them about anything at any time rain or shine good or bad even though we live on opposite sides of the continent. One day we're going to take over Canada and it's going to be wonderful. In a sense we've grown up together. If one day the internet would just disapear and I lost my friend forever, it would hurt just as much as losing a friend that lives up the block.

The best thing about the internet is how small it makes the world seem. No matter what is wrong, no matter what I need help with, there is someone a few keystrokes away that is there to offer help, advice, and most importantly support.

I have met an amazing group of women who have become dear friends. If you had asked me 4 years ago if I'd have a group of girlfriends to hang out with, go to supper club, have a book club, I would have laughed in your face. No way. Not me. Well, I would have been wrong.

2 months ago if you had asked me if I'd be able to keep 7 goldfish alive no matter what answer I gave, I would have been wrong. What I thought I knew about goldfish was completely wrong, but b/c of the internet The Fred's are thriving.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely freaking out about losing my job. BUT b/c of the internet, b/c of some of YOU frugal coupon cutting, recipe sharing, money saving bloggers, b/c of you who share your lives, your hardships, your failures and your strength, I know I will be okay. Everything will be okay.

Thank you for that. Thank you for letting me vent, for supporting a stranger, for making me laugh and making me cry and for letting me be a part of your world. I hope you enjoy being a part of mine as much as I do, being a part of yours.

What is your favorite thing about the internet?


  1. I love this post. Blog friends ARE real! I have a group of 10 bloggy friends that I talk to EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

  2. I agree, I don't think I could live without the internet...I'm a total facebook junkie and am learning more and more about blogging and twitter and loving every minute of it!!


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